Tag Archives: sword

Open House November 27th, 2015

harbor sunset background pic.OPEN HOUSE flyer PRINT

Stretch Boards is hosting a holiday open house event on Friday November 27th. We’ll be swinging open the factory doors to anyone who has always been curious as to what goes into making a custom built surfboard.

There will be light refreshments, beverages, working factory tours and face to face customer support for any surfboard related topic you can fathom.

Check out some cool new projects, unique custom builds not seen elsewhere, view a bit of Stretch memorabilia and join in on the community of surfers which make the Stretch Boards family what it is today.

Black friday deals on apparel, fins, accessories, stock surfboards and new custom orders will be in full effect also!


This event is in conjunction with Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County. Bring in minimum 4 non-perishable food items to receive extra special deals!

Our factory is located at the end of Tower Place just off Felt St. It is the largest dedicated epoxy glassing factory in North America and is unlike most every other traditional surfboard factory you will encounter. There is no VOC release or harmful chemicals, messy work areas or hazardous concerns (save for the dust factor). If you’ve ever been curious as to how a sustainable surfboard can be built then this is the perfect opportunity to see first hand!


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Wiggolly’s board choice for Teahupo’o

Early into the contest window for the 2015 WSL Billabong Tahiti Pro and we’re already part way through round 3. Tricky conditions with side shore winds and sets bouncing through west bowl provide tricky yet exciting conditions. Stretch team rider Wiggolly Dantas is still proving that his demeanor in challenging conditions is worthy of a top finish and is heating up a race for 2015 rookie of the year.

round 1 board selection for Wiggolly was his 6’1″ x 18.3″ x 2.35″ Sword in CFT medium construction including marko foam 2.1pcf EPS blank, double layer bottom in epoxy lamination, FCS II fin system and sans deck channels. Yep, no deck channels…. Wiggolly is picky about which boards get deck channels and some boards just don’t get them, particularly contest boards.

The switch from his red halo 6’1″ in round were in favor of his 5’11” Sword in round 2 when he went head to head against Kolohe Andino and then in round 3 against Wilko. Same construction as his CFT medium 6’1″ but that flying blue halo was shaped at 5’11” x 18.4″ x 2.25″ with thumb tail.

Wishing Wiggolly best of luck and looking forward to seeing how the contest progresses continuing into round 4.

check Wiggolly’s round 1 heat re-cap on his 6’1″ Sword here

view round 2 heat re-cap here

and round 3 heat vs. Wilko here


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Wiggolly scorching through a round 3 barrel at the 2015 billabong pro teahupo’o. photo courtesy: WSL – Kelly Cestari

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Wiggolly hitting the brakes on his 5’11” Sword in round 2. photo courtesey: WSL – Kelly Cestari

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Wiggolly disproving misconceptions of what a legitimate EPS/EPOXY construction matrix can handle. photo courtesey: WSL – Kelly Cestari