Tag Archives: #CFTmedium

“What’s he riding?” Willy Aliotti’s blacked out quiver

Check out what models William Aliotti regularly packs into his bag for travel.

1.75m  by 70 KG
(5’8″ 165lbs.)


All boards built with:
CFT medium construction
  • 4oz. RWG + 4oz. bias S-glass bottom / 4oz. bias S-glass + 6oz. RWG deck
  • 2.1pcf Marko Foam EPS core
  • 1/8″ bamboo stringer
  • deck channels

3k uni-directional carbon fiber tail strip reinforcements

Future ILT fin system with Jordy Smith Medium HC 4.54″ height by 4.59″ base

Whether threading through gutting tubes on his frontside or wafting tail-free drifts in small points on his backhand, Willy finds the Lil Buddy as his “go-to” board. photo: david aumentado


Lil Buddy squash tail – 5’10” x 18.187″ x 2.13″ vol. 24.3L

“personally the Lil Buddy is the board for me that i can take on any trip ! for any kind of condition like proper barrel 4 to 6 ft and in normal and mellow waves from 2 to 4 ft ( the lil buddy model will be the first one in the board bag”

Willy cracks a frontside ollie on his 5’8″ skate. photo: @laurentpujol

Skate swallow tail – 5’8″ x 18.25″ x 2.187″ vol. 24.5L

“the second board that i will always take on a trip is the Skate ! when the wind swoop on shore this board become amazing and really skatey on shity waves”

thing v2 CFT 5’9″ x 18.187″ x 2.13″

Thing v2 squash tail – 5’9″ x 18.187″ x 2.13″ vol. 24.8L

2×4 step up round pin – 6’4″ x 18.25″ x 2.4″ vol. 29.5L * modified nose outline and tail rocker

“…and to finish my perfect  last boards of the quiver on barrel destination i will always the 2X4 step up and normal short board”

aiming for the cosmos on his cosmic color lam thing v2. photo: @chroniclesofchristie

 “i trust stretch surfboard more then any other! i just thinks they are super solid and so performance! they stay magic forever and never get old”

Willy has switched from his rocket red airbrushes into the dark side. Apparently Stretch didn’t get the memo when he decided to surprise Willy with this neon twinnie!



“What’s he riding?” Sancho’s 3 board quiver

The globe trotting Frenchman seemingly finds himself sliding into more fun waves every time we look. Here’s what he’s been getting his feet into lately:

Benjamin Sanchis (a.k.a.- Sancho)

1.80m  by 86 KG
(5’11” 190lbs.)


Mr. Buzz sk8 bat tail – 5’6″ x 19.65″ x 2.4″ vol. 32.8L
CFT std construction
FCSII quad with fiberglass Split Keel quads


2×4 round pin – 6’0″ x 19.25″ x 2.5″ vol. 32.0L
2.375″ adjusted rail profile
CFT med construction
FCSII 5-fin convertible with Stretch template WR large quad PC carbon 4.625″/4.125″


2win double wing swallow – 5’6″ x 20.35″ x 2.65″ vol. ???
nose “pugged 4″ from a 5’10”
CFT med construction
FCSII twin with MR PC twins (plugs for twin trailer were retrofitted but not yet used)



laundry day quiver shoot. photo: manu migueles photography


“Where do you like to surf these models?”

i really enjoy more on reef breaks and points. i can surf the 2×4 6’0″ on an everyday basis in the canaries from slabs to fun powerful reefs.

i surf the mr. buzz everyday also when the waves are small, or fun little waves where my chick surfs.

also in points but work good in little slabs. same for the twins.

“What is it that you like or don’t like about any of these boards?”

the 6’0″ can feel a bit stiff at the drop sometimes. works a lot better in glassy/offshore conditions. but, is the fastest board ever! feels really confident. goes good for turn. (stretch should stop bothering putting the 5 fins set up…heheheh) if i had to choose one board to go on trip will be this one.

the Mr Buzz ,
really really user friendly. goes really good with those fins, got lots of flow.
sometimes feels a bit short on the back hand.
perfect for summertime but hold the rail in points also. good for carving.

here’s some fun follow cam footage of the 5’6″ mr. buzz sk8 carving:



the twin is a little devil.
it’s crazy fast! holds the rail in turn but also super loose in turn.
rare for a twin but good on the backhand.


check the video below to see Sancho laying rail on his 5’6″ pugged 2win.


“Are there any comparisons to other boards?”

no. riding those boards is like riding something different which makes it cool. it’s a different vibe.
i have your boards that i have been riding for the last 3 years. no other boards last that long!

“If you had the chance to change anything, what would it be?”

i’d put the factory in europe so it will be easier for me to get boards 🙂 then i could bug stretch all the time in person and talk to him about fins.


sancho slips into a goodie to evaluate quad fin placement back home. photo: manu migueles

sancho slips into a goodie to evaluate quad fin placement back home. photo: manu migueles


through the looking glass. sancho fins his 2×4 round pin getting the hero shot.

William Aliotti joins the NIXON Pro team

Nixon | Welcome William Aliotti to the Team from NIXON Europe on Vimeo.

Not too unlike motorcycle clubs compelling you to work for that 3-piece patch, showing your worth and earning the respect of the vanguard, you can’t just join the Nixon team. One has to be voted in by the other members in order to join the elite Pro ranks of the tight knit family.

Through years of support from Nixon Europe, William’s hard work and commendable attitude both in and out of the water allowed him to prove his mettle to the surfing world. He’s just been voted in to be a full fledged member of the Nixon Family. Congratulations William!



Where’s Sancho – INDO EDIT

Benjamin Sanchis, a.k.a.- “Sancho” has the grueling task of traveling around the world to hunt down mind bending barrels for the enjoyment of your viewing pleasure.

WHERE IS SANCHO l KANDUI from FTR Films on Vimeo.


Buzzsaw 5’10.5″ x 19.35″ x 2.5″ bat tail CFT med. construction FCSII quad with “feathered brush fade” colorwork by Sandy.
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Thing v2 6’2″ x 19.2″ x 2.5″ round pin CFT med. construction FCSII 5-fin with “vert brush fade” colorwork by Sandy.
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get lost in the Chilean Fog with William Aliotti

“You Only Tell the Truth in the Dark” documents a journey through the Chilean landscape with William Aliotti and Sebastien Zanella of Desillusion Magazine. This video is a somber and introspective look at what drives us into exploring the unknown. It reflects the urgency in each of us to go out of our comfort zone, whether that’s paddling into massive slabs while undergunned or traveling in a camper van for a month with no access to your electronic devices. What we make of the moment defines who we are. We often can’t see well when heading into the fog. In this case, Willy clearly found his way.

Nixon | You only tell the truth in the dark: William Aliotti from NIXON Europe on Vimeo.



If you get lost in the fog tonight,
will you cry?
If you go out and you cannot see,
will you die?
If you get swallowed by clouds tonight,
will you wake up in your own skin?
Or will you become someone else?
Maybe him.
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William Aliotti wins in Chile!

The fast flying, slab hunting frenchman capped off his Chile sojourn with a win at the 2016 Arica Pro presented by Maui and Sons.

William Aliotti Arica Final from Stretch Boards on Vimeo.

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1st place in Chile. photo courtesy WSL

Willy was knifing frontside bombs on his CFT medium 5’10” x 18.187″ x 2.187″ Lil Buddy model. His final heat against friend and competitor Dean Bowen found him scoring a perfect 10 which sealed the deal and gave an unforgettable end to his to Chilean road trip adventure!

William had this to comment on how he felt after winning the event:

“Without the board you make me I would of never won this contest ! In my first heat I took a set on the head and I thinks if you board wasn’t strong I would of break my board for sure . I was soo confidant on the 5,10 lil buddy and the 6,2 2×4 there were amazing! flying every football !”

(Yeah, not sure what he means by “flying every football” either. It’s all good! Maybe it’s a french thing or something he learned while in Chile… William speaks English 100x’s better than I speak French but I still blame the autospell correct on his iphone!)

Congratulations WIlliam!

check out more on the 2016 Arica Pro and WIlliam’s perfect 10 ride here

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William Aliotti and Dean Bowen atop the podium in Arica, Chile.

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Acclimating to the Chilean surf during his road trip with Desilllusion magazine allowed William to get acquainted with gutting lefts prior to the contest. photo: Sebzanella

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Learn Stretch’s thoughts and guidelines on how to order dims for sizing up from your daily driver. You’ll need that extra little bit sooner or later. How much extra? Which model? What dims?

Here’s 5 questions and 5 answers from the cigar toting man massaging the foam on your next board Continue reading »